Cambridge Illustrators is a directory of illustrators which means that the illustrator is contacted and commissioned directly. Being able to convey your requirement straight to the illustrator is of enormous benefit to both parties. The price for work is agreed between the illustrator and the client, Cambridge Illustrators do not take a commission.

Not just Cambridge!

Cambridge Illustrators started life in Cambridge UK, many years ago – hence our name. And although several of our illustrators do live in East Anglia, this has never been a prerequisite of belonging to CI – as long as the work is of a high standard we encourage all illustrators, no matter where they are based.

Commissioning work

Commissioned illustration varies in price according to complexity and usage. When you contact the illustrator they will be happy to chat with you about your requirements, explain their particular way of working, and give you an estimate as to how much the job will cost.

Digital illustration formats

Most illustrators can supply their work digitally – as gifs, jpegs, tifs or eps files to drop in to your website or as high-res files to drop into your text.

Can’t find the style you need?

Please give Krystyna a call on: 
tel: 01832 293 175 or 
 We will be happy to point you in the right direction.

More information

If you would like further general information before you contact an illustrator please call Cambridge Illustrators on: 
tel: 01832 293 175 or 

Joining the directory

Illustrators – We welcome enquiries from new and established illustrators. Please email Cambridge Illustrators for full details on how to join the directory. Send your enquiry to:
